Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Protective Equipment

After the skates, the next things I had to get was protective equipment; knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and a helmet. These I ordered all from Sin City. I went for black largely because there wasn't much option unless I wanted to special order the helmet. But I did go for the hot pink wrist guards. I got large everything and that turned out to be just about right. I think that the more money you spend the less sweaty you'll be, but I'm okay with sweaty for now. And thank heavens my dear friend Johnny Nylons showed me how to put my wrist guards on properly. I'd had them on upside down and backwards. That's almost like wearing your underpants on your head.


John said...

Underpants on your head can make quite a statement in certain circles. Rock on, skater girl.

vintage.tt said...

Too cool!