Saturday, May 31, 2008

Many Miles Later

This blog started off as a documentary of my attempt to join the Gotham Girl Roller Derby League. I didn't get in the first time I tried out, but in training for the try-outs my love of roller skating was fully reawakened. I have been doing some morning skates down in my local park and lately I've been going to the roller rink on Staten island, Roller Jam USA, and to see the roller skate dancers in Central Park. I'm going to catch you all up on these doings with some photos. Here you can see some of the fabulousness of the Central Park Roller Skate dancers.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Roller Derby Explained

Here's a great explanation of roller derby rules

Thursday, January 10, 2008

National Museum of Roller Skating

The National Museum of Roller Skating
Lincoln, Nebraska
Oh yes it is

Here we see a history of wheels. They're very pretty

A collection of movie posters--including one for Skatetown USA--Patrick Swayze on wheels. Sadly this is not out on DVD yet. The color poster on the top left is for Roller Boogie-available on Netflix...just saying....

Years of Change...and yet the fabulous glitz continues

RollerSkating--not just good for the soul....
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